This ab-and-cardio workout will help you shed excess fat and build up your abdominal wall. Two very necessary aspects of an awesome-looking six-pack!
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The first triset of today's workout is built on some of my favorite core exercises. They may not seem difficult at first, but if you concentrate on doing the movements correctly, you're going to feel it!
Run through each of these exercises at a rapid pace, but don't move so quickly you sacrifice form. Use your mind-muscle connection to focus on your core contracting. Once you finish one triset, take a quick rest, and then go for another round.
Once you're done with all the trisets, don't forget your cardio!
Day 4: Abs and cardio 
Medicine-Ball Rotational Throw
3 sets of 10 repsSide Plank
3 sets of 30 sec.Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise
3 sets of 20 repsTriset:
Reverse Crunch
3 sets of 15 repsRussian Twist
3 sets of 20 reps per sideHanging Pike
3 sets of 10 repsTriset:
Decline Sit-up
3 sets of 15 repsLandmine 180s
3 sets of 10 reps per sideBarbell Ab Roll-out (knees)
3 sets of 10 repsNote: Move through each triset at a rapid pace with good form. Keep your heart rate elevated.
Elliptical, treadmill, bike, rower
30 min. (HR 145-165); switch every 10 minutes if you wantBack | Main | Next
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