Steve Cook's Modern Physique fitness plan can help you discover, define, and achieve your best-ever physique. Get the pre-launch details here!
Modern Physique: Steve Cook's 8-Week Training Plan
What is the modern physique? More than anything, it's the outward representation of a conscious and deliberate decision to shape yourself. It's the decision to be defined, strong, athletic, and aesthetic. It's the decision to take control of the story your body is telling.
If you're ready to take control of your fitness, and to build a body you can be proud of, then you're ready to take on the 8-week challenge that is Modern Physique.
Here’s what you’ll get
Modern Physique Trailer
Throughout most of human history, how our bodies looked was determined by our struggle to survive, not by a conscious choice to look a certain way. Not anymore. Today, we have the means to shape our bodies as we see fit.
The Modern Physique program is designed to maximize eight specific physical qualities: strength, power, symmetry, muscularity, flexibility, endurance, definition, and athleticism. Each of these pillars will help you build a body worthy of history. Every week, the program contains a video from Steve on the importance of each pillar.
Meet Your Trainer
Steve Cook one of the most recognizable faces in the fitness industry. He is a spokesmodel, Optimum Nutrition athlete, cover model, and physique competitor. Cook is also a fierce supporter of functional fitness. His goal is to help you look great, move well, and live better through health.
Essential Supps
Although supplements can't build your modern physique for you, they are useful tools. Supplements like protein and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) may help you build and maintain muscle mass, while a pre-workout will help you get pumped and focused for your training session. Other essential supplements like a multivitamin and fish oil support overall health and well-being so you can focus on building the body you want.
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