Friday, January 22, 2016

Modern Physique: Training Overview

If you want to look like Steve, you have to train like him. For the next eight weeks, that's exactly what you'll do. This is how the Swoldier built his best-ever physique!

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This program is designed to improve your physique—after all, it's called "The Modern Physique," right? But that's definitely not all it does. I also want it to improve the crucial things behind that physique, like your health, strength, and functionality.

To achieve this, you're going to think outside the same-old bodybuilding split, and you're going to do some new movements—and new versions of classic ones. Open your mind and trust me for now, and after a few weeks, it'll all make perfect sense.

Here's what you need to know to start the journey to your Modern Physique!

Watch the video - 3:25

The Pillars of the Modern Physique

The training in this program is designed to maximize eight essential qualities that I believe exemplify the modern physique, and which I strive for in my own training:

  • Strength
  • Power
  • Symmetry
  • Muscularity (or mass)
  • Flexibility
  • Endurance
  • Definition (or leanness)
  • Overall athleticism

Despite what some people will tell you, none of these is more important than the other. They all feed into each other, and if you want to be both strong and capable, you need all of them.

The training in this program is designed to maximize eight essential qualities that I believe exemplify the modern physique, and which I strive for in my own training.

I've created eight videos where I explain the importance of each of these attributes. I've included one per week throughout the Modern Physique trainer.

Modern Physique How You'll Train

The reps, sets, and weights will evolve over the course of eight weeks, but the basic split won't. Here's what you'll be doing:

  • Day 1: Upper body and cardio
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Active rest
  • Day 4: Abs and cardio
  • Day 5: Upper body and cardio
  • Day 6: Legs and plyos
  • Day 7: Rest

Each week begins with heavy compound strength movements like the close-grip bench press and squats. You're going to make them even more difficult by performing one of my favorite techniques, the 1-1/4 rep. This is where you lower down to the bottom, come up just a quarter of the way, and then go down again before coming up. It's a simple idea, but it's brutally hard, so you'll be glad you had a rest day beforehand.

Each day will also include some hypertrophy training. This is where you'll work to get more muscular, but also to increase definition. You'll up the rep tempo, drop the rest time, and hit each set with as much intensity as possible. You'll go through supersets, trisets, and even giant sets before resting.

If you find that the giant sets require you to hold on to too many pieces of equipment—hey, it happens—here are some options to get the same training effect:

  • Perform two supersets instead of one four-movement giant set.
  • Look for suitable substitutes that use the same plane or motion (for example, dumbbells in place of machines or vice-versa).
  • Perform straight sets, but keep your pace high and your rest periods short.
On the active-rest day, take the time to do something you enjoy. I like doing yoga or going out for a hike. Whatever you do, try not to spend it in the gym with weights.

At the end of each training session, you typically have some form of cardio, whether it's high intensity or just walking on the treadmill.

On that active-rest day, take the time to do something you enjoy. I like doing yoga or going out for a hike. Whatever you do, try not to spend it in the gym with weights.

Over the course of the trainer, what changes the most is that we'll be upping our reps, and we'll be increasing the intensity, so the cardio sessions are going to be a little more intense. The hypertrophy training will have a little more volume. By the end, you can expect to see your lift totals go up, as well as your measurements.

Do It All, Have It All

This training program is different than anything else out there, because it hits on all these different training styles. You're going to be burning a ton of calories doing things like HIIT cardio on top of hypertrophy and strength training.

All I ask is that you stick with it. I set up this program to give you a little bit of leeway with the equipment you're using. You should be able to follow it in pretty much any standard gym. Even if you don't have the exact same equipment I do, you should still be able to find an adequate substitute.

I know you're going to succeed on this trainer. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and using the hashtag #modernphysique on Instagram or Twitter.

Now go watch the nutrition overview and check out the first of the pillar videos on Day 1 of the program. Then you'll be ready to begin!

Supplements can help you build your best-ever body. Learn more about these hand-picked Modern Physique supps! Go Now!

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