Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Get In Superhero Shape With Daredevil's Workout!

Actor Charlie Cox went from not owning a gym membership to becoming a chiseled crime fighter in the hit show "Daredevil." Get his story and training plan here!

Before "Daredevil," actor Charlie Cox didn't fit the traditional superhero mold. He had the acting skills to star in the critically acclaimed "Boardwalk Empire," but Cox didn't have the chiseled body he'd need to successfully take on the lead role of Matt Murdock in Marvel's hit Netflix series.

That is, until he went on a tough muscle-building regimen, a long schedule of fight training, and a burly muscle-building diet. Now, the 33-year-old has a sculpted and ripped physique that would make any ass-kicking superhero proud.

After a thrilling response to the first season, Cox and the gang have taken the new series to another level, both visually and physically. We caught up with Cox to unearth the details of his Daredevil training and discuss Season 2, which will be available on Netflix on March 18, 2016.

Becoming Daredevil

When cast as Daredevil, the London native's first course of action was to hit the gym to improve his athleticism and build lean mass. Becoming the Hell's Kitchen vigilante wasn't enough; Cox wanted to be involved in every aspect of filming, including the stunts.

"It's funny," explains Cox, "but when I first got the Matt Murdock/Daredevil role, I wasn't built like your textbook superhero. For the first season, I was trying to put on weight instead of losing it, so that was pretty interesting.

"When it came to the fighting scenes, I worked very closely with the stunt coordinator and my stunt double," says Cox. "I learned everything and tried to do as much of it as I could. My trainer, Naqam Washington, is awesome. When I first started with him, I just did what I was told, but then I gradually developed an interest in it. Now I really enjoy it, and I get a lot out of it. I kept up with training after Season 1, and I got better and better throughout the shoot."

One More Round

Picture this: As blackness washes over a once bright blue sky, a canopy of stars assembles overhead. All the lights in the little matchbox trailers dotted around the "Daredevil" set flick off—except for one.

Get a little closer and peek through the window, and you'll see Charlie Cox pummeling a punching bag. Very much like his character, Cox loves training in the dead of night, running through fight sequences for filming the next day. Fight scenes are the part of training he enjoys most.

"I'm not a trained fighter, so my technique isn't brilliant, but we really tried to use as much of me as possible," [Cox] adds. "[For the] second season, I've definitely stepped it up."

"I love that stuff! We do a lot of Thai boxing and jiujitsu, hand work, and bag work. There's a lot of shadow boxing and hitting the bag," he says with a grin.

"I love the training, especially the fight training. I got to do as much as I was able when it came to the actual fights, and because of that generosity, I made sure I could do the moves. I do as much training as I can to get comfortable with the sequences.

"The great thing about this second season is that my character has now really honed his skills, and my stunt double, Chris, pulls off some moves that will blow your mind. I tried to do as much as possible, but Chris is insane," Cox says.

"I'm not a trained fighter, so my technique isn't brilliant, but we really tried to use as much of me as possible," he adds. "[For the] second season, I've definitely stepped it up."

Even if you aren't training for a role on the big screen, it's not a bad idea to follow in Cox's footsteps. Research in the Muscle, Ligaments and Tendons Journal found that people who trained in kickboxing one hour a day for five weeks showed significant improvement in upper-body muscle power, anaerobic fitness, flexibility, speed, and agility.1

The writing is on the wall: If you want to improve your all-around physical prowess, take up a martial art to get in ass-kicking shape.

Super Strength

Daredevil is more acrobatic, agile, and athletic than your usual muscle-bound comic-book character. To hone his physique to perfection, Cox trained using a lot of multidimensional movements and didn't stick to a traditionally rigid training structure.

"[To train for] 'Daredevil,' it's not really your one day, one body-part thing," Cox says of his training split. "It's not the Monday is chest day, Tuesday is shoulder day type of thing. My trainer wanted me to train like an athlete because the character needs the movement—movement is a big thing, considering the physical aspects.

"There are a lot of multidimensional movements, jumps, and compound movement, so if I do something like a lunge, that will be mixed with an overhead press, and then there might be a rotation with that," says Cox. "It's sort of a full-body workout, and it's very flexible, to fit the role. There are weights, but then they're mixed in with plyometrics and fight training, so all of this is very adaptable. We spend about two hours [per workout] in the gym, jumping into different things, and I love it."

Cox's undoubtedly successful transformation is evidence that, with a little hard work and the right training, anyone can build slabs of muscle and get ripped without having to rely exclusively on moving around huge mounds of iron.

Some guys are naturally drawn to lifting and being in the gym, but that hasn't always been the case for Cox. "It was interesting because I've never really been a gym head before. I'd never even had a gym membership!" he laughs.

"With the first season, I had about a month to get into shape, so that was manic. With this second season, it's a lot easier to maintain [that muscle], but the aim is to be more a lean athlete than a bulked-up superhero."

And Cox's undoubtedly successful transformation is evidence that, with a little hard work and the right training, anyone can build slabs of muscle and get ripped without having to rely exclusively on moving around huge mounds of iron.

Train Like Daredevil

Use this Matt Murdock-inspired workout twice a week to get a taste of superhero training. The session is built around compound and plyometric movements, as well as combat work.

What You'll Gain

  1. Improved strength
  2. More agility
  3. Improved leanness
  4. Thicker muscle density
  5. Increased athleticism
Full-Body Workout

Bench Press

3 sets of 10-12 reps
Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip



3 sets of 10-12 reps
Chin-Up Chin-Up


Front Box Jump

3 sets of 10 reps (weighted)
Front Box Jump Front Box Jump


Barbell squat jump

3 sets of 10-12 reps
Weighted Jump Squat Weighted Jump Squat


Dumbbell Shoulder Press

3 sets of 10-12 reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press


Dumbbell reverse lunge with rotation

3 sets of15 reps per leg
Dumbbell Rear Lunge Dumbbell Rear Lunge


Medicine-ball power slam

3 sets of 20 reps
Overhead Slam Overhead Slam


Seated Cable Row

3 sets of 12-15 reps
Seated Cable Rows Seated Cable Rows


Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

3 sets of 10 reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Row One-Arm Dumbbell Row

Fight-Training Session

Jump Rope

3 min.
Rope Jumping Rope Jumping


Shadow boxing

2 sets of 2-min. rounds
Punches Punches


Heavy bag punch combination

3 sets of 3-min. rounds
Heavy bag punch combination Heavy bag punch combination


Heavy bag power kick

20 reps per leg (full power)
Heavy bag power kick Heavy bag power kick


Thai pads

3 sets of 3-min. rounds
Thai pads Thai pads


Focus mitts

3 sets of 3-min. rounds
Focus mitts Focus mitts



1 hour
Jiujitsu Jiujitsu

Hell's Kitchen

When it comes to eating like a superhero, Thor may crush Creamsicles and Deadpool seems to enjoy chimichangas, but Daredevil likes to eat clean. And that was good news for Cox, who needed to pack on lean muscle to complement his training and develop punch-proof abs.

"For the first season, I was quite skinny," he says, "but I ate a ton of chicken, broccoli, sweet potato, rice, and pasta. I put carbs in all my protein shakes, so I'd have a protein shake with sweet potato in it.

"But for Season 2, it's been all about maintaining a certain level [of fitness], so it's been very much about eating balanced. Of course, I ate a good amount of protein, but it was really all about training and eating like an athlete."

Listen to Cox's wise words, because consistency and dedication to nutrition and are essential to unlocking your own superhero body.

Zero to Hero Diet

Try this superhero meal plan to put on weight the right way and forge the body you want!

Meal 1

Egg whites: 6

Whole eggs: 2

Banana: 1

Oats: 1/2 cup

Meal 2

Chicken breast: 8 oz.

Brown rice: 1 cup

Meal 3

Oats: 1 cup

Meal 4

Chicken breast: 8 oz.

Brown rice: 1 cup

Broccoli: 1 cup

Meal 3

Avocado: 1 small

Meal 6

Egg whites: 8

This new muscle mag is full of workouts, research, recipes, and all you need to train body and mind!
(Also available on all major newstands, bookstores and digitally on the ipad and kindle)
Go Now!

  1. Ouergui, I., Hssin, N., Haddad, M., Padulo, J., Franchini, E., Gmada, N., & Bouhlel, E. (2014). The effects of five weeks of kickboxing training on physical fitness. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 4(2), 106.

source Bodybuilding.com Articles http://ift.tt/1QaI391

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