Finish off Week 2 strong with deadlifts and battle ropes! Today's workout is tough, but it's also incredibly rewarding.
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If your legs aren't tired enough from yesterday's workout, we're going to finish them off today! You've got a rest day tomorrow, so leave the excuses at the door and fire up the intensity for today's workout.
Can't do an unassisted pull-up yet? No worries! Grab a band or partner, or even use the assisted pull-up machine. Try to see how many you can do on your own before enlisting some help.
Wall runs are great for improving shoulder and core strength, but will require a little coordination to walk your feet up the wall. Back up to a wall in a crawl, and then walk your feet up the wall until you're in a handstand position. Keep your chest facing the wall, contract your abs and glutes, and tap your shoulders.
Finish off today's workout with battle ropes and 400 meters runs. Try to complete this circuit as fast as you can, keeping any rest periods you take to only 30-60 seconds. Keep track of your time, and make sure to write down how you felt after finishing the workout.
3 sets of 8 reps at 80% (rest 2 minutes)Conditioning
Circuit: 3 rounds
8 reps (alternative: assisted pull-up, lat pull-down)Wall run
5 repsRenegade Row
10-12 reps per arm (alternative: dumbbell row)Circuit: 4 rounds
Single-Arm Row
10-12 repsGHD sit-up
10 reps (alternative: sit-up)Battle Ropes
20 reps per sideRun
400 metersBack | Main | Next
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