Put a hurtin' on your arms with this insane routine that can add an inch to your pipes in under 24 hours. Do you have what it takes to survive this Armageddon workout?
They tell me it's utterly impossible and I'm full of shit. And those are the comments fit to print.
The concept of adding up to an inch on your arms in a single day sounds like a myth as big as Moby Dick. However, although there's no scientific literature backing up the protocol, I've personally helped hardcore lifters looking for a challenge use this method to annihilate the status quo on arm day.
Conventional methods yield conventional results. The question is, are you willing to try the unconventional? And even if you're willing to try it, do you think you have what it takes to survive?
What's in an Inch?
I made believers out of dozens of athletes when I started running "Inch-on-Your-Arm Clinics" a number of years back. Granted, not everyone gains a full inch—only a select few cross that threshold—but most people I took through the program gained between one-half and two-thirds of an inch. It's a ridiculous-sounding protocol, but one that stretches the tape measure like never before.
Be forewarned: To get results like these, you'll have to cram a month's worth of arm work into one outrageously grueling day.
Muscle growth occurs in a number of ways, including cell volumization, fascial stretching and release, and increasing the size of each contractile protein. The first mechanism is all about getting a ludicrous muscle pump, while the last is brought about by traditional strength-training principles. We're really focusing on the first mechanism of growth here, although this routine certainly includes elements of all three.
This workout routine is so intense it will literally force your arms to grow in a single day. It will be a day of Armageddon, but I encourage you to measure your arms—both before starting and a week later—to determine exactly just how much new raw size you've added.
Chances are you'll never have felt muscle soreness like this before. In fact, because of the degree of DOMS created, this approach is not recommended for beginning or intermediate lifters.
Get Ready to Grow
Your journey to bigger arms starts a week before Armageddon. Overcompensating on nutrients and rest are the best ways to set your body up for growth. For a full seven days before you try this workout, you're going to up your caloric intake by roughly 33 percent.
For some people who eat clean, this may not be too difficult; for others already taking in an abundance of calories, this can be more challenging. Increasing your food intake by a third may seem like you're at the dinner table 24/7.
Here are a few guidelines to help ensure you consume what you need in preparation for the upcoming 10-hour arm workout.
- Make sure your daily protein intake is at 1.5 rams per pound of body weight each day. A 200-pound individual should be consuming 300 grams of protein for the week beforehand.
- Ensure your carbohydrate intake is at least 2.0 grams per pound of body weight each day. That same 200-pound man would consume 400 grams of carbs for the full week.
- Take in at least 18 calories per pound of body weight daily. For example if you weigh 200 pounds, you should be getting at least 3,600 calories per day the week leading up to arm day.
- The balance of your calories should be from dietary fats. That's 800 calories for the 200 pounder, or just less than 100 grams.
Your Armageddon Schedule
Before starting the workout, you'll want to have an early breakfast, about 1-2 hours before you train, to get you primed and ready for your workout.
6:30 a.m.
Whole eggs: 4
Egg whites, scrambled: 4-6
Baked potato: 1 large
Light sour cream or light dressing like Ranch
Bananas: 2 medium
Ample fluids from water and juice or Gatorade G2
7:30 a.m.
Arrive at the gym and take your pre-workout supplement. You're going to do short workouts every 30 minutes, so bring along some items to pass the time—cell phone, charger, lap top, or books.
In your gym bag, pack chalk, straps or gloves, towel, extra shirt, two shaker cups, a mass gainer—I recommend Hyper-Gro because it's fortified with Bio-Gro—your favorite pre-workout, and two bags of rice cakes.
8:00 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Seated Dumbbell Curl
3 sets of 12 repsCable Push-down
3 sets of 12 repsSeated dumbbell curl / Cable Push-down
8:30 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Standing Barbell Curl
4 sets of 8 repsSkullcrusher
4 sets of 8 repsNote: Consume your first Hyper-Gro shake (if your body weight is less than 130 pounds, use one scoop; if over, use two).
9:00 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Seated Dumbbell Curl
3 sets of 12 repsCable Push-down
3 sets of 12 reps9:30 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Standing Barbell Curl
4 sets of 8 repsSkullcrusher
4 sets of 8 repsSkullcrusher
10:00 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Incline Dumbbell Curl
3 sets of 12 repsSeated overhead dumbbell extension
3 sets of 12 reps10:30 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Standing Cable Curl
4 sets of 8 repsClose-Grip Bench Press
4 sets of 8 repsNote: Consume a Hyper-Gro shake. If your body weight is less than 130 pounds, use one scoop; if over, use two.
11:00 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Incline Dumbbell Curl
3 sets of 12 repsSeated overhead dumbbell extension
3 sets of 12 repsIncline dumbbell curl
11:30 a.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Standing Cable Curl
4 sets of 8 repsClose-Grip Bench Press
4 sets of 8 repsNoon
Chicken breast: 8 oz. if under 130 lbs., 12 oz. if over
Cooked pasta or rice: 1-1/2 cups if under 130 pounds, 2 cups if over
Note: Take a pre-workout—I love Pre-Gro—if desired.
12:30 p.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Seated Dumbbell Curl
3 sets of 12 repsCable Push-down
3 sets of 12 reps1:00 p.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Standing Barbell Curl
4 sets of 8 repsSkullcrusher
4 sets of 8 repsStanding barbell curl
1:30 p.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Standing Cable Curl
4 sets of 8 repsClose-Grip Bench Press
4 sets of 8 repsNote: Consume a Hyper-Gro shake. If your body weight is less than 130 pounds, use one scoop; if over, use two.
2:00 p.m.
Alternate these two exercises:
Concentration Curl
4 sets of 12 repsClose-grip push-up
4 sets to failure2:30 p.m.
Lean ground beef: 8 oz. if under 130 lbs., 12 oz. if over
Cooked pasta or rice: 1-1/2 cups if under 130 pounds, 2 cups if over
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Whole eggs: 4
Egg whites, scrambled: 4-6
Baked potato: 1 large
Light sour cream or light dressing like Ranch
Bananas: 2 medium
Ample fluids from water and juice or Gatorade G2
7:00 p.m.
Post-workout arm measurement.
Armageddon Wrap-up
Once you've completed this full-day arm assault, you should refrain from training your upper body for four days, and measure your arms again to see your final results. Once you've done that, it's back to normal training. Now best of luck, and let me know in the comments if you make it through this massive arm attack!
source Bodybuilding.com Articles http://ift.tt/1ZCqHIZ
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